Home LearningExcellence In...Schools A quarter of Sharjah’s private schools and nurseries make a bid to go green by 2024

A quarter of Sharjah’s private schools and nurseries make a bid to go green by 2024

by Belinda Breeze

In an exciting development, more than 60 private schools and nurseries in Sharjah plan to transform into eco-friendly facilities by the year 2024. The announcement was made earlier this month by the Sharjah Private Education Authority (SPEA), demonstrating the country’s unwavering commitment to sustainability as it gears up to host the Cop28 climate conference in Dubai later this year.

The visionary initiative by SPEA seeks to overhaul a quarter of Sharjah’s private educational institutions. This transformation will be achieved through an educational programme aimed at enlightening both students and parents about the critical significance of sustainability and eco-friendly practices. This mission will be accomplished through an array of educational activities and awareness campaigns designed to foster a culture of sustainability.

The move demonstrates the country’s unwavering commitment to sustainability as it gears up to host the Cop28 climate conference in Dubai later this year

The action plan doesn’t stop at the school gates though, it extends its reach to the broader community. It seeks to educate residents on responsible resource management, emphasising the conservation of precious resources such as water and electricity.

To realise this ambitious project, SPEA has formed a strategic partnership with Bee’ah Group, an environmental management company rooted in Sharjah. The collaboration will pave the way for the implementation of robust waste recycling programmes within the targeted educational institutions. This initiative aims to inspire and assist these schools in their journey towards becoming paragons of sustainability.

The action plan also seeks to educate residents on responsible resource management, emphasising the conservation of precious resources such as water and electricity

Dr. Muhadditha Al Hashimi, chairperson of SPEA, underscored the pivotal role of educational institutions in instilling environmental consciousness in the younger generation. In a statement, she expressed, “This project underlines our commitment to sustainable development and tackling global environmental challenges.” Dr. Al Hashimi also highlighted how this endeavour harmonises seamlessly with the UAE’s Year of Sustainability in 2023 and aligns with the green education partnership initiative launched by the Ministry of Education.

In a call to action, the authority urged all private schools in the emirate to actively engage and collaborate in this endeavour, ensuring its success. This transformational effort not only aligns with global sustainability goals but also promises to leave an indelible mark on the educational landscape of Sharjah, setting a pioneering example for educational institutions worldwide.

To read more from SPEA