Upholding the spirit of giving during the holy month of Ramadan and spreading the #Bonlove, over 2,000 little children and staff of British Orchard Nursery (BON) across UAE came together in full force to donate more than 1,000kgs of rice for needy families, in association with Emirates Red Crescent.
British Orchard Nursery participated in the ‘Feed People this Ramadan’ campaign as the institute supports the mission to fight food insecurity in line with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. As part of its CSR vision, BON has adopted three goals – quality education, good health and well-being, and gender equality. The drive will run for the whole month aiming to feed 5,000 families.

Give and Gain 2022 ‘Feed People this Ramadan’ charity initiative organised in collaboration with Emirates Red Crescent
Dr Vandana Gandhi, Founder and CEO of British Orchard Nursery, said: “We decided to support this initiative as food insecurity is one of the major issues we are facing today and it’s also among the top UN development goals. Rice is a basic staple and there are many families for whom it’s not available. Ramadan is the month that teaches us to share and we have always channelled our CSR initiatives in line with our CSR mission and values. Our goal is to align the staff and children of BON towards eliminating community issues and I am overwhelmed with the response received by families in just two days after announcing participation in this drive. It’s quite heartwarming to see these young children come forward enthusiastically and contribute to the cause.
Rice Collection Drive aims to fight food insecurity and feed 5,000 families
“Such initiatives inculcate empathy in children towards those who are less fortunate. They understand the joy of giving and learn to appreciate the world around them at a young age. Children learn from the acts of elders; hence our teachers and staff always lead from the front by participating earnestly in any charity initiative that we organise. I am also grateful to all parents who donated, ensuring that families don’t go hungry and making a lasting impact this Ramadan with BON.”
British Orchard Nursery helps raise global, mindful and compassionate young citizens through various activities that they undertake around the year. BON’s ‘Mindful Curriculum’ has always supported ‘kindness’ and ‘giving back to the society’ through various practical approaches that help instil compassion and a sense of awareness amongst the little ones. The BON CSR Commitment is embedded to help make the world a better place.