There are many ways that you can help your child get ready for nursery, with the following just a few of the key skills you can practice together at home.
• Ensure your little one can follow simple instructions, such as putting away a toy.
• Make sure your child can ask simple questions and communicate in sentences.
• Play catch with a large ball.
• Hold and use pencils, crayons, or paintbrushes to make marks.
• Carry out different types of movement, such as hopping and jumping.
• Use a spoon to eat and a cup to drink.
• Ensure your children can go to the toilet on their own and then wash and dry their hands.
• Put on a coat and shoes.
• Discuss stories you’ve read together.
• Play counting and number games.
• Talk about what you see in the world around you.
• Sing songs together.
• Play make-believe.

It is important to ask your child direct questions too, allowing them to express their opinions.
• Ask them what they really enjoy doing and why?
• Which are their favourite toys and games – again, find out why?
• What do they enjoy doing with the family?
• What is their favourite bedtime story – what do they like about it?
• Ask them to sing their favourite nursery rhyme. • How are they feeling about going to nursery?
• What are they looking forward to?
These are just initial ideas to help get kids ready for their big adventure, but no matter how you decide to approach it, make sure that your children are involved, excited, and ready to explore a whole new world!